Friday, February 1, 2013

We Love the USA!

We had a great week beginning our study of American symbols.  Below you will see some of our Liberty Bell writing and artwork.



We also learned about the Statue of Liberty.  After reading a book together, we made a writing map as class.  The students used that to organize three facts in their Writer's Notebooks.  Then, they all completed an informational writing piece.  Nice job, boys and girls!
This week's newsletter:
Valentine’s Day Party:  Last week, I sent home a form to sign up for our Valentine’s Day party.  I have included a list of our helpers and supplies that are being provided.  Our party will be on Thursday, February 14th at 2:00pm.
I have also included a class list.  Students are encouraged to complete a valentine for each of their friends.  We will make Valentine bags in class.
Sight Words: This week we will be working with the following words from our First Grade Word List: this, walk, want, well, went, were.
Open Court Reading:  This week we are reading our next story:  The Itsy Bitsy Spider, told and illustrated by Iza Trapani.  Each day we will listen to the story on CD.  This helps with our reading fluency rate.  Then we will practice together.  We will be working on reading fluency, predicting, summarizing, and verbs.
Open Court Phonics Program:  While reading the story, The Itsy Bitsy Spider,  we will be reviewing the sounds/spellings of:  long and short o.
Saxon Math:  The following skills will be covered this week: telling time to the half hour, dividing a square into fourths, coloring halves and fourths, adding 10 to a number, and counting by 10’s from a single digit.
Spelling words: This week’s word family is –ame.  The words are:  came, name, blame, flame, frame, shame.  The two sight words are:  they and new.
Sentence:  They have a new game.
Social Studies:  We will continue our study of American symbols, being a good citizen, and presidents.
This Week:
Monday-Thursday:  Math homework sheets
Friday:  Reading Fluency Practice Sheet due
Friday:  Spelling and Math tests
1-2 times per week:  Read an AR book and take the test in class, read book(s) and review word ring that are found in your reading bag/folder.
Mrs. Bella